

Greatest of all time!

Is how you will be remembered for all of time

Your singing howls bellowing versions of "I Love You",

Your impressive parkour leaps whilst our hikes throughout O`ahu

How in any fashion; asleep, awake, trotting, or back talking,

Your regal essence never, never unwavering

Many times as I slaved over a hot stove with you laying at my feet,

A new nickname quickly emanated that helped me to accept defeat;

"Chief Underfoot", I called to you,

You roused from your slumber and stared with your eyes of blue 

Steel blue is apathy's true color,

But I wouldn't dare ask you to change your demeanor

From your fur to your flaws, you are perfect in every way

You brought out the best in me with values I emulate today

At just 1 yrs old, you chose me

It took only one boat ride just to see

From that moment, we became inseparable 

Even with you as the escape maestro

Home was always where you laid your head to rest,

Because you entrusted me to provide you with the best

And now you trust me to let you go

But I will see you again later over the rainbow



