
2007 - 2020

I’m struggling to find the right words, but I’ll start with I miss you.

I miss you screaming every time I come home. I miss you waking me up every morning with a nose boop. I miss our adventures - hiking, camping, paddling, stargazing. You were down for literally anything. You’ve been with me through it all – from high school to vet school graduation, to losing Rocky and Boisey, through boyfriends and breakups, to new friends and new homes and building our second family in Colorado. You’ve been my best friend and constant companion and I don’t know how I’m going to do life without you.

Quarantine was a blessing in disguise…so thankful I got to spend one last week with you, every minute of every day. I know you’re running free with the boys now and bossing everyone around in doggy-heaven. Can’t wait til we meet again. I love you more than anything in the world, mau loa



